Total Fundraised: $1,365
Thank you for supporting this fundraiser! We successfully raised and donated $1,365 for the Armenia Fund to support countless families who were displaced and lost everything in November 2020.
While the fundraiser is over, I will continue to support Armenian charities. Please see the fundraising reporting and documentation listed by month below for more details.
While the fundraiser is over, I will continue to support Armenian charities. Please see the fundraising reporting and documentation listed by month below for more details.

March 2021 Donation Information

This PDF contains information on the volume of books distributed and the amount fundraised for charity. It also contains a recipe for the total donated to the Armenia Fund.
Total Print Copies: 2
Total eBook Downloads: 0
Fundraising Total: $13.98
Distributor returns: -$356.49
Net: -$342.51
Total Donated: $20.00
Total Print Copies: 2
Total eBook Downloads: 0
Fundraising Total: $13.98
Distributor returns: -$356.49
Net: -$342.51
Total Donated: $20.00
November 2020 Donation Information

This PDF contains information on the volume of books distributed and the amount fundraised for charity. It also contains a recipe for the total donated to the Armenia Fund.
Total Print Copies: 361
Total eBook Downloads: 0
Fundraising Total: $1,221.44
Total Donated: $1,225.00
Total Print Copies: 361
Total eBook Downloads: 0
Fundraising Total: $1,221.44
Total Donated: $1,225.00